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5 Tips To The Best Invisalign Results

Adult braces come in different forms. The discrete option available today is the clear aligner therapy or Invisalign. They are removable and the results are dependent on the care that you choose to follow. Under the supervision or treatment from specialist orthodontists who go through a series of courses from experts such as Gerety Orthodontic Seminars, the results can be tremendous and the aligners would work perfectly to deliver the best results.

In case you wonder what Invisalign is, you should know it is a popular treatment method orthodontist’s implement to correct misaligned teeth. They are almost invisible but quite effective. Of course, you can do some things to increase the effectiveness and reduce the treatment time. If you are thinking of getting braces or Invisalign, here are five tips to the best results of Invisalign.

1. Wear Them Often

Usually, the makers of Invisalign urge their users to wear their aligners for about 22 hours per day. Specialists also recommend this period, so it is important that you wear them often. Remove then when you are cleaning your teeth, or eating. Once you finish, return them to your mouth. If you fail to wear them up to the required time, this will slow down the treatment. It will stop your teeth from moving as they should and move back to their old position. Keep in mind that this is something that could happen quite fast.

2. You Need Additional Help for Your Aligners

Aligners for many people are not enough to move teeth successfully and for this, you may need additional help for the best possible results. You can visit your orthodontist, who would provide you with chewies. This helpful tool ensures the aligners fit well and leave no air gaps between the aligners and your teeth. Occasionally, you simply bite on the plastic like cushions. This helps to seal the aligners.

Another helpful tool is attachments. Dentists use dentil-bonding materials to create buttons, which help to hold the aligners well in place. They prevent the aligners from moving, slipping, and improve the time of treatment.

3. Understand the Importance of Using IPR

Sometimes, your mouth would just not have enough room for your teeth to sit in straight. Depending on the current arrangement of your teeth, you may need the movement necessary to create the perfect smile. For this precise reason, you may need to visit your orthodontist to learn more about and perform IPR (interproximal reduction).

This requires gentle sanding in between the teeth to create more space. The dentist would use a computer-modeling tool to identify where more space is necessary for the alignment. The dentist removes a small tooth surface between your teeth. Rest assured that this is not enough to cause any bit of damage or cause future problems to your teeth. However, it is enough to ensure that it gives your teeth more room for the ideal positions they need to move into for better movement.

4. Embrace Attachments

The treatment plans for Invisalign require more than just aligners. For the best results, and to maximize the effectiveness of the aligners, your orthodontist would strategically place attachments on specific teeth. These attachments are often small tooth-colored dots of white colored filling material “dental bonding.” Aligners are moveable, so these can slip when trying to make movements. In such situations, the attachments work as anchors to help the aligners with a better grip on the teeth. The visibility of your attachments depends on their placement as well as how the bonding color matches with the shade of your teeth. In general, however, they are not visible easily.

5. Wear Your Retainers

Since you have invested a lot of energy, time and money into Invisalign treatment to maintain your perfect smile, it is important that you stick to a life-long commitment to have that perfect time. Even after successful repositioning of your teeth to their final location with the aligners of Invisalign, you will still need to wear a retainer. Patients who don’t wear their retainers on a regular basis often end up experiencing an orthodontic relapse.

This is a phenomenon where the teeth end up shifting back slowly to their original position. The retainers essentially work as another set of aligners. By wearing them, they help to support the newly aligned teeth until the time they need to settle down in their new position.

Similar to Invisalign, you would need to wear them for about 20 hours. Once your teeth stabilize, you can reduce the wearing to nightly and later once or twice in a week.

Along with these tips, the final and most important one is a regular checkup with your dentist. To ensure your Invisalign are working, consistent meeting with your dentist will also help to boost the treatment time. If you are interested in the best results, follow these tips!