Moxie Today!

Developments Of Voice Recognition Technology

Voice recognition technology has been around for decades. Its early implementations were rather clunky and users needed headphones and microphones to communicate with machines and computers. They also had to talk very slowly and clearly to make sure these machines can understand their world. However, Apple has introduced Siri a few years ago and it is a significant improvement in voice recognition technology. It could provide us with seamless control to devices and access to information. Siri could really provide us with so many things and we could talk to it with normal tone and speed. Siri certainly has specific characteristics that make it more like human. Apple actually bought and further developed the technology into something that is very easy to use. In this case, we could get something that is very practical and fun. Siri could actually remove Google and Bing from the equation, because Apple fans could get any information they want through verbal commands and instructions. After all, search engines are just text-based database and we could transform verbal commands into texts that can be processed further.

At the time, Siri uses major search engines to search on our behalf. It consults directories like Yelp that can further refine results. Users could look at reviews to see whether specific websites could actually provide better services and it is true that the best recommendations typically come from average users. Google didn’t invent the Internet, but it unofficially “owns” the Internet. So, Apple clearly didn’t invent voice recognition technology, but Siri could be considered as a new standard in this field. Eventually, Siri and other similar platforms could sidestep major search engines and help us to find things based on our requirements. In theory, such a system could really enhance our experience. It isn’t necessary for Apple and other providers to charge fee for voice recognition technology, but it could attract people to purchase the device, due to immense usability. Eventually, we could have a system that listens to our conversations and provide much more refined recommendations. It will offer helpful ideas and pick up hints from our conversation.

The voice recognition technology could listen to our story on how we sustain sport injury last night and the system will suggest chiropractors or sports masseurs near our areas. The technology could be smart enough to offer us to get an appointment and we just only need to go to the specialist. Perfect systems should know what we like to do and where we like to go. It could determine these details based on things that we told it previously. Over weeks and months, the system will know us better. It could unsuspectingly remind us of specific tasks that we forget. It could help us with special occasions, anniversaries, upcoming birthdays and shopping. In fact, the list could go on indefinitely. A generation from now, we could have a voice recognition system that can tell stories and perhaps even hold conversations with people, especially if it is integrated with elements of artificial intelligence.