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Effective Strategies For A Successful Move

Quite easily, your pending move will be one of the greatest challenges facing you this year, if not in your lifetime. You will feel overwhelmed at times, even questioning your decision to move. Fortunately, moving is a process, and one that is accomplished in small pieces instead of all at once. To that end we will look at effective strategies for a successful move.

  1. Make a plan. From the onset, you need to get and stay organized. This is where careful planning on your part will ensure that you stay on course over the coming weeks and months. Use a calendar and a planner to track your important deadlines, such as finding a real estate agent, hiring a moving company, acquiring your important records, and working towards closing.
  1. Downsize your stuff. There is a very good chance that at least some of the items in your home will not be making the move with you. This is where decluttering your home is important, in an effort to limit the amount of stuff you will take with you. The less you have to move, the lower your moving costs. Endeavor to separate those items and either donate them or sell them by means of a garage sale.
  1. Search for moving companies. If you are planning to use a moving company to transport your goods, obtain estimates from at least three carriers to compare. It isn’t enough to simply choose a moving company. What you need to do is make sure that the company is registered, bonded, insured, and has the references to back them up. Although cost is important, reputation matters much too. So, check each reference to help make your determination advises the Allied Moving Companies.
  1. Hire your real estate agents. If you are moving far from your current residence, then you will need to hire at least two real estate agents. The first agent will be tasked with selling your home and is the most important of the two or more you will use. That’s because you will be signing a contract requiring you to work with a certain broker for up to six months. Here, you want to ensure that the agent marketing your home is the best person for the job. For if your home does not sell, then you won’t be able to purchase another one. As for the agent in your new location, you are not bound to use just one. At the same time you may find it easier to work with one individual to help expedite the home finding process.
  1. Acquire your boxes. There are many sources for obtaining your moving boxes. For starters, your moving company can tell you what you need. You can also obtain boxes from an office store or a similar retailer for a cost. If you need to hold down your costs, then visit nearby retailers and ask the managers for their discards. Quite easily, you may be able to find everything you need and at no cost to you. You’ll still need to pay for packing tape, filler material, markers, and labels.
  1. Pack your bags. When moving, it’s a good idea to pack your bags as if you’re taking an extended trip. You need to have enough clothes and personal items on hand to last you from the day that you leave your current home to the day that you arrive at your future home. For some, an overnight bag may suffice. For others, up to a week’s worth of clothes may be necessary. Determine your needs and pack accordingly.
  1. Create an “open first” box. You’ll need one box dedicated to holding those items that must be accessed upon your arrival in your new home. a so-called “open first” box may contain the following: toilet tissue paper, hand wipes, towels, bedsheets, matches, toys for children, and anything else you must have. Don’t go crazy here, but do be thoughtful on what you absolutely need to have on hand.
  1. Ask for and receive help. The people you know are the people who will also step up and offer their assistance. Do not hesitate to accept it as any help that you receive can relieve at least some of the burden. And people will help in different ways such as making a meal, watching your children so you and your spouse can pack (and have a date night!), offering to pack, or helping out at your yard sale. Graciously accept these offers as gifts from friends who care.

Making Your Move

There is so much more that needs to be done for a successful move. Your calendar and planner will keep you on track. An accordion file is useful for holding your important documents, including medical records, your moving contract, school records, and other legal documentation. Keep this planner with you and all throughout your move.