Moxie Today!

Finding The Connection Between Coffee And Creativity

The debate about coffee and creativity has been brewing for decades. Does it really help artists, musicians and writers think more creativity, or does it actually cramp the creative mind? Arguments on both sides are worth exploring.

Coffee Hinders Creativity

A scientific exploration of coffee, its ingredients and its proven effects on the mind are what lead some people to believe that coffee hinders creativity. The arguments include the following:

Coffee Enhances Creativity

Proponents of caffeine and its effect on the mind often bring up the following points when suggesting that coffee enhances creativity:

No matter which side of the argument you’re on, it’s clear that there’s a connection between coffee and creativity. Whether you argue that coffee promotes confidence and the ability to focus for hours on end in creative types, or that such prolonged concentration and lack of sleep hinders the very essence of creativity, you would be correct. Fortunately, coffee is an “acceptable addiction,” so you can experiment with it and decide what level of caffeine is best for unlocking your creative side. Go on; switch on your coffee maker.