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How To Care For Porcelain Veneers

Your oral health is critical. Unfortunately, there may be a time when you need to have a porcelain veneer placed in your mouth. While this often happens for cosmetic reasons, dentists are using veneers more frequently to help with reconstruction after other procedures, like root canals or fillings on the front teeth. Regardless of the reason for your veneers, they’ll require special care.

See your Dental Hygienist Regularly

Some dentists have noted that patients with veneers tend to have healthier gums. They’re not quite sure if this is because the gum has a healthier surrounding and/or if the patient who previously didn’t care for his teeth is now more motivated to do so. Either way, seeing a professional at least two times per year for a cleaning and exam will ensure your veneers stay in top condition for as long as possible.

Altering your Diet

The foods you eat have a huge impact on the health of your teeth and gums and the same applies to dental veneers. The same food items that would stain your natural teeth – like wine or coffee – will stain your veneers. Foods that are hard enough to crack a natural tooth can also crack your veneer. You’ll want to avoid trying to bite pizza crusts or hard foods with your front teeth, opting to use your back teeth instead.

Choose the Right Toothpaste

A lot of toothpastes contain abrasive ingredients that won’t scratch your natural teeth but will cause damage to your porcelain veneer. Ask your dentist for a recommendation for a non-abrasive product. You should also ask him if there is a whitening toothpaste you can use on a regular basis to maintain the color of your veneers.

Try a Vibrating Toothbrush

They’re not just for kids! Vibrating toothbrushes are great for caring for veneers. The vibration of the soft bristles will help to polish your veneers, keeping them even whiter than a regular toothbrush.

Regular Hygiene Habits

It won’t matter what type of toothpaste you use if you aren’t brushing and flossing regularly. Regular hygiene is just as important, if not more-so, for your veneers as it is for your natural teeth. Brush at least twice per day with the toothpastes your doctor recommends and make sure you floss at least once. Talk to your dentist if you aren’t sure what basic regime to follow.

Veneers aren’t expensive, whether you choose them for cosmetic or medical reasons. Care for them properly and they could last you anywhere from 10 to 15 years!

Image credit: Wikimedia Commons