Moxie Today!

How To Reduce Household Allergies

Those who suffer from allergies including asthma and hay fever will know that there are many irritants in the home can exacerbate these conditions. From dust and pet fur to ash and mould, there are several corners of the house that can trigger allergies. For some, leaving this problem untreated this can be extremely dangerous. Follow these top tips to make your home irritant free and reduce your suffering from allergies.


One of the places where we spend the most time can actually be the most triggering to allergies, unless you follow some simple steps to reduce your suffering while you sleep. Bedding should be washed at least once a week in very warm water, and once clean, bedding can be kept in dust mite-proof covers. It’s important that you don’t forget to wash cushions and throws, too – these gather dust just as much as bedding, if not more. In addition, synthetic bedding is better for allergies than natural materials such as wool, down and feathers.


The kitchen is perhaps the most important space to keep clean. Make sure your refrigerator is cleaned out regularly to avoid mould and other irritants building up. Keep rubbish in a bin with a secure lid, and empty waste daily. This will ensure that you keep your kitchen free from mice, rats and cockroaches, all of which could exacerbate allergies, as well as being generally very unpleasant! Storing food (especially pet food) in secure containers will also discourage rodents. Ensure that the stove and sink are kept clean and free from germs, and wash plates and cutlery thoroughly.


Perhaps surprisingly, bathrooms can be one of the rooms that are most likely to trigger allergies. Damp is particularly problematic, meaning that ventilation is of key importance. Fit an extractor fan, or ensure doors and windows are left open after steamy baths and showers. It’s obviously important to keep the toilet clean and disinfected, but be careful with the cleaning products you select – many of these can be especially dangerous for those with allergies. You can find a list of allergy-safe cleaning products here.

Living Areas

It is of key importance to keep soft furnishings throughout the house dust-free. This includes curtains, rugs and cushion covers. These materials can store much dust that can only be removed with deep-cleaning. If you have pets, then this sort of cleaning is even more important. A clutter-free home will also attract less dust – the more ornaments or items you have on your shelves, the more dust that you will have. A streamlined room is also easier to clean, meaning there will be far less irritants in the atmosphere to trigger allergies.


Although the garden can be a minefield for those who suffer from allergies, there are steps you can take to reduce suffering outside. For example, an artificial lawn can significantly reduce the pollen you are exposed to. It’s also worth researching which sorts of plants can trigger allergies. For example, ferns and plants with hairy stems are particular irritants for those with allergies.

Chloe Cotton is editor-in-chief at The Happiest Homes, a leading UK digital home magazine. Chloe insists on always keeping a clean home too!