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Make Your Playground Safe Again

Artificial lawns are an improvement upon a simple idea. Seamless playing surfaces using technological innovation. This technological creation has given birth to different types that are suitable and safe for children and athletes. Choosing the right combination of playing surfaces and length will create a safe zone for a children’s playground and competitors alike. Synthetic grass playing surfaces have become a safe alternative to pea stone or wood chips.

Synthetic Grass For Playgrounds

These playing surfaces are available indoors and outdoors and can come in multiple colours. Changing the colour scheme gives an extra sense of fun to the children. Synthetic grass playing surfaces are used in addition with rubber-wet pour. Rubber wet pour can be made from recycled tires and are available in different colours. It’s easy pliability gives it the chance to be cut and moulded into fun shapes and sizes to the delight of children.

Rubber Wet pour can also be used in conjunction with identifying a safe fall zone. Safe fall zones are extra padding that is available should the terrain have any changes that could be harmful to a child in the event of a fall. Extra padding can be moved against the concrete and rubber wet pour can make the areas easily identifiable for adults and children.

It should be duly noted that safe fall zones are a requirement of Australian playground standards. Most playground equipment dictates that a safe fall zone should be indicated near a slide finish for example. Failure to include this could result in harm or injury to children and result in unnecessary fines.

Athletic Surfaces

The many demands of any contact sport require a playing field that can take a tough beating. Tennis requires a playing turf of only 1-3mm where as cricket and rugby can be longer lengths. Most synthetic manufacturers can now create material that can dry in a matter of minutes as opposed to several hours on a traditional grass field, reducing delays from unpredictable weather.

Golf has a wider range of options as a result of the numerous terrains involved. Mini golf employs the usage of flamboyant and colourful turfs. Choosing a company that incorporates rubber wet pour and synthetic grassy turfs can create a seamless as well as bumpy experience for pro and mini golfers.

Choosing a company that can comply with the regulations as detailed by Australia and New Zealand will contribute to a proper choice in your final candidate. As a result of obvious wear and tear a minimum warranty contract of 12 months should be provided. With the correct combination of terrains, any organization can eliminate the excessive cost of maintenance and upkeep as with traditional grassy lawns. This cost effective material has saved thousands of dollars for many customers and will continually become a standard in exceptional playing surfaces.

Many wonderful colours and options can be used to create an adequate playing surface. Picking a terrain with the safety of all users in mind can be done with the use of a combination of terrains. Rubber wet pour and synthetic grass playing surfaces are a cost effective way of aesthetically maintaining safety.