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Pieces Of Information Your Criminal Lawyer Will Need To Know

Almost everyone needs the help of a criminal lawyer at some time or another. Whether for themselves, family, or friends, when the time comes it’s important to have the right man for the job

Ever potential client should consider whether their Criminal Attorney has handled similar cases before. If the criminal attorney has never handled a DUI before, for example, he may not be aware of the important deadlines, relevant law, and important facts to consider when preparing your defense. Alternatively, an Attorney with substantial experience handling your type of case may be more appropriate to handle your pending matter.

You need to know the bottom cost in any big purchase. Hiring a criminal attorney is no different. You should want to know if hiring a lawyer is going to cost you 2K or 10K. Also, are you going to be able to afford your lawyer? when you are unable to pay your lawyer, he may withdraw from your case, and you should restart from ground zero. Nobody wants to do that when their life is on the line.

Most lawyers learn how to talk a big game. But do they have the training and experience to back it up? If you are in the market for a trial criminal attorney, you will likely want to know that your criminal lawyer has tried many cases before, went to a well-known trial school, etc. Past performance is an indicator of future performance. Knowing Law Offices of Randolph Rice’s credentials will help you make an informed decision.

Different charges carry different penalties. For example, most people are surprised to find out that a DUI can get them a year in jail. Likewise, a third-degree felony can get you 5 years in prison. Ask your Attorney what the possible consequences are so that you will be prepared to make an informed decision as to how to proceed with your case.

The injured party must also file their claim in a timely manner to satisfy the statute of limitations. The statute of limitations is the time during which the claim must be filed. The time limit is usually anywhere from 2-6 years after the incident, depending on which state the injury occurred in. If the time is exceeded, the statute of limitations is said to have expired, and the suit can no longer be filed. Laws governing personal injury vary from state to state, but there are some basic principles that are common to all personal injury claims.

You may not want your case to ever see the courtroom. You may rather want to work out the best disposition possible. However, you still want to have a trial lawyer preparing your case and negotiating on your behalf. That is because a State Attorney is more likely to work out a beneficial disposition with a trial lawyer whom he thinks might take the case to trial. If the State Attorney knows the criminal lawyer will not take it to trial, the criminal lawyer has no negotiating leverage on the State.