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Reasons To Choose Log Book Servicing Over Normal Servicing

Log Book Servicing

It has been well established that for the longevity and consistent performance of any car, it is essential to get it serviced regularly. Log book servicing is a way of keeping your service records organised for future reference. Why organise? The first reason is that it is a necessary thing to do while your car is under the warranty period. This is in order to ensure that the car is being serviced properly according to the guidelines of the manufacturer. There have been instances where the car suffered a breakdown as it was not serviced according to the guidelines of the manufacturer. To prevent this, the car manufacturer needs you to get log book servicing. The second reason is that it gives a track record of all the car repairs and that fetches you a fair price of the car while you sell it to someone else. All the mechanics advise the car owners to follow the log book servicing schedule and guidelines, though car owners seldom do. Most car owners think it to be futile to spend extra bucks for log book servicing. But, most people are unaware that there are several benefits of keeping the log book updated.

Apart from all these benefits, if you have been regularly getting your car serviced and the log book updated at the same car station, there is a build-up of mutual trust and familiarity which helps you to get discounts on spare parts and servicing. Various service stations have a discount scheme for their loyal customers. You can benefit from that. With all these plus points of log book servicing, why opt for a normal one?