Moxie Today!

Reasons Why People Do Not Travel To Distant or Different Countries

Although many are willing to visit every country in the world, there is a large segment of society that prefers countrywide or travel, at least, to places not too far away.

Age, fears and, in many cases, purchasing power are some of those reasons.

The News Factor

Many people know some countries for their bad news. Trafficking of girls in India, terrorist acts in the Middle East, scrambled governments in Latin America and a long list of territories parading in front of the eyes of some viewers, mostly grown, associating those exotic places with constant problems and insecurity , not daring to meet his many attributes or charms..


With India? Ah, yes, yes! Where are the Forts? But that was not a brand of air conditioning? Although we believe it or not, many people hardly know the main cities of the country and just have never wondered what hidden overseas.

Education, a precarious life, other hobbies where travel or even never entered political and social situation of a country conditional on certain generations to lead a life lived in the same neighborhood all his life unseeded minimal concern their existence.

Fear of Flying

That moment when the plane takes off, the feeling of crashing to be suspended on the air, to collide with another plane or the same to happen to a flight to Malaysia…

Both elderly and young are suffering from phobias and fears to taking regarded as the safest means of transportation in the world. Their reasons are and are totally understandable, but it is also true that this fear prevents them from reaching consider a flight of five, ten or fourteen hours, so if you’re one of them, lose the fear of flying from NOW.

Lack of Funds

The usual problem of media society is usually the lack of money to make more ambitious trips, especially during these years of economic crisis in which, although has increased thanks to international travellers vision flows for reasons such as employment or studies, many prefer to travel to the fishing village three hours away by car or take a trip to the capital for a bridge.

At least, this situation allows us to better understand our own countries and “train” before doing that great trip to another country.

These reasons why people do not travel to distant countries reside on many factors conditioned by age, the progress of a given country, the lack of knowledge and money or sometimes simple ignorance. Obviously each person has a reason to ignore certain things and focus on others, but for any reason should miss the great opportunity of knowing a world that will only be once.