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Taking Care Of Your Office Furniture

As with any other furniture, office furniture is prone to wear and tear. The only difference is, our colleagues may not have the same levels of hygiene as we do and may not care for their surroundings as they would their own home. As a result, the items in an office can become worn and jaded not doing your company image any favours. Therefore it’s important to try and instil a sense of pride and responsibility to the workplace in your staff so they have respect for their environment. They should understand that having an office that is clean and well cared for creates a good reputation which will have a positive effect on productivity and turnover creating job security. Replacing office furniture is an expensive business therefore encouraging your staff and your cleaning company to look after these costly items is vital.

Businesses often choose leather for practical reasons as well as aesthetic. It’s easy to keep clean, unlike fabric, it doesn’t mark easily or show much wear and tea, it doesn’t need special upholstery cleaning and of course it looks smart and professional. It also looks better as it gets older so leather pieces are often a good investment. If something is spilled on a leather item, ensure it is removed and dried off with a soft cloth immediately. Ensure your office cleaning contractor uses cleaning products and cloths that are designed to be used specifically on leather furniture. Also, ensure they treat the leather with a conditioning balsam on a regular basis to avoid the leather drying out and cracking. This will ensure your leather furniture will always look its best.

Another natural material, solid wood can look very stylish in any office environment, whether traditional in style or contemporary. Depending on the type of wood, it can however, show signs of wear and tear in the form of scratches and stains. Always ensure you protect the wood by placing coasters under mugs and glasses and if liquid is split on the wood, dry it off immediately with a soft cloth. Again your office cleaners should only uses special wood furniture polish and regular treatment with an oil or wax will keep your furniture looking beautiful for years to come.

Trendy metal and glass furniture gives a contemporary feel to any office but it is also the practical material of choice. Low maintenance, it only needs a wipe and polish to keep it shining and looking fresh. Dust may be more noticeable on these shinier surfaces so regular dusting is essential to maintain its brilliance.

Building a relationship with your cleaning company will no doubt ensure every item of office furniture is maintained to your specification. Ensure they are aware of a particular piece that needs special attention such as a desk with an unusual coating or a wood that requires more delicate care. Maintaining the communication with your cleaning team helps them understand the needs of your business and encourages open dialogue, essential should you need to raise any issues with regards to their standard of service. Ensuring your office and your office furniture are immaculate is essential for your business. Keeping germs at bay creates a hygienic environment which will help stem the spread of germs and therefore protect the health of your workforce. Moreover, a clean and tidy office will give an excellent first impression to all your visitors and future clients, being clean is great for business!