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The Attraction Of Airport Parking Compared To An Airport Taxi

When you’re going on holiday and are flying from one of the UK’s many airports, you generally have two options as to how you get to the airport…either you drive and pay for parking whilst you’re away or you get a taxi from home! Most people have the preconceived idea that both of these options cost the earth and that they’re better off simply accepting the fact, however in reality, one option can be considerably cheaper and that ones airport parking!

Airport taxis are always going to be a similar fee wherever you look simply due to the fact that you’re paying for, above all else, someone’s time to drive you from home to the airport! Whilst there is an element of service in there and the like, there’s very little room for manoeuvring on price and, as such, shopping around and haggling often won’t get you anywhere! Airport parking is simply a roughly set price and if that’s the option you want to go for, you simply have to accept that it costs a fair whack!

When it comes to airport parking, however, you’re paying for the space as opposed to someone’s time! As such, with not the same level of overheads as a taxi transporting a family from home to the airport, if you shop around, you can get some fantastic deals and discounts at all of the UK’s main airports! You simply need to know where to look to great deals on airport parking, be it for a night or a month, or anywhere in between, and we are here to help ensure you get a great deal!

We would always suggest you book online and, on that front, that you book with FHR! Let’s say you’re flying from Glasgow airport as an example…you can see here that their prices are often half that which you’re more than likely being quoted by your airline or travel agent and sometimes there’s even greater savings to be made! It’s all about knowing where to book and, in knowing so, there’s fantastic deals to be had!

Of course, with airport parking, you’ve got the flexibility of setting off as and when you want and not being tied to a taxi arriving to pick you up! You’re your own boss and, as such, can stop off as and when you want and once you land back in the country, can simply get in your car and drive home! Taxis have their uses but as far as we are concerned, airport parking beats it as an option hands down, each and every time!