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What are Some Of The Foot Issues Resulting from Diabetes? State The Diabetes Foot Care Tips

Millions of people all across the world suffer from diabetes. With the advancement of technology, it is possible to diagnose diabetes in a better manner today than what it was previously. We can say that diabetes results from inactive and sedentary lifestyle, poor eating habits but it may be hereditary also. Diabetes is a condition which results when the body fails to secrete sufficient insulin. The normal production of insulin and its absorption is hindered. People who are diabetic are at a greater risk of foot injuries, blindness, infections, nervous damage and other health issues. It can cause severe lower back pain as well. Diabetes also impacts the foot of the person. There may be common foot issues resulting from it, causing serious damage to the foot at the later stage.

Common foot issues resulting from diabetes

Diabetics are more prone to getting foot problems. Some of the foot issues are:

There can be various other foot conditions resulting from diabetes. What you need is diabetes foot care to avoid foot conditions.

Tips to foot care you should follow

If you are a diabetic, then follow the tips below:

The doctor can also prescribe you tsh test if you are a diabetic. It is the test prescribed to check the functioning of thyroid gland.