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What Can Mobile Printers Do For Your Business?

When you ask someone to think of what a mobile printer actually is, many of us that aren’t up to date with developments in the retail environment would assume this means printers on wheels that are chauffeured around from place to place when you need something printing in that location. However, this simply isn’t the case – there have been huge innovations in printing, and life has become much less irksome than having to drag around a large piece of machinery.

These days, mobile printers are pocket sized and extremely portable.

What Are Its Uses?

The main purpose of the device is to quite simply allow the user to print from any location, whether it be for a label, a ticket or even a receipt – they are capable of producing anything really that you’d need being mobile and on the go.

Mobile printers are designed to be as light-weight as possible, durable to withstand falls and bumps; and most come with a rubber padding to aid with the latter. The printers, depending upon the budget you have, can be connected by USB, by Bluetooth, IrDA, or by advanced wireless connectivity, giving you the ultimate flexibility to complete the task as efficiently as possible.

You can even connect them with a smart phone and an app to print whatever you need!

It’s Not Just About The Printer Itself

Mobile printers can also come with battery packs, replacement packs, and charger sets to be able to always stay on the go. Once a battery gets low, the user can then pop in a replacement battery, put the low one on charge; and off they go, simple and quick and eco friendly too – that’s certainly a plus as we all strive to become more eco friendly.

In addition to being able to carry the devices on your trousers, some mobile printing devices can come with certain accessories, for example, you may need a printer inside a truck that offers a courier service, to be able to print receipts to senders and recipients to confirm the package, or letter has been delivered on time, and to the right person.

The displays on certain devices are positioned so, with a holder extension for a vehicle cabin, the screen display is easy to read, and the buttons are easy to press.

Case In Point – The Retailer

One example that you could put into practise to explain the possible use of a mobile printer, is in a simple retail store – let’s say, for example, a shoe shop.

Customers will walk into the shop and browse around, trying on different shoes. One assistant would be able to use a connected device to send a printout to the storeroom to find the right choices of shoes, and the right sizes for the customer.

The storeroom can then send a notification to the assistant’s device when they are ready to collect. Once the customer has decided upon the choice of shoe(s), the assistant can then scan the barcode of the product the Customer wishes to purchase, take a card payment straight to the Assistant’s device, then the mobile printer can provide a simple, clean receipt for the customer. This removes the requirement for a customer to have to queue for the purchase, or for the assistant to have to offer to put the customer’s choice ‘behind the counter for later’.

Using just this system for example will save the shoe shop time, and therefore money; and making the whole process more efficient will improve the experience and mood for not only the customer, but the staff members as well. Find yours today by visiting AIS Ltd.