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What To Expect When Dealing With The Child Custody Process

When you are going through a divorce or if you are just trying to get custody of your child, there are some things you should keep in mind. There are certain things the judge will look for most when going through a child custody case for family law in Toronto, Canada.

Constant Back-and-Forth

When you are trying to fight for custody and the other person wants custody just as bad as you, it can be an overwhelming experience.  You can expect a lot of back and forth suggestions from each family law solicitors. Each parent will try to make a deal with the other, and the lawyer must be present during the communication with the parents.

There are 4 Types of Child Custody in Canada:

There are some things that the judge will take into consideration when determining custody of a child:

What it Means to Have Custody

When you have custody of your children, it means that you can legally make the important decision, such as medical treatment, religion, education, etc. When you have joint custody, it may be tough but it means joint decision making for each situation.

To make the process less stressful for the children involved, it’s best to cooperate as best as you can with the lawyers, as well as the other parent. It can be hard at times, but it’s easier on children when their parents can agree on something and come to an agreement.