Using 2017 ICD-10-CM charts after Oct. 1, 2017, is a sure path to denials and payment delays. That’s because that’s when the updated 2018 ICD-10-CM code set went into effect. Still not convinced you need to update those handy lists of ICD-10 cheat codes? Take a look at these major changes that you’ll report incorrectly if you’re using old ICD-10 charts.
- Get Heart Failure Coding Right
A commonly coded cardiac condition with an update in ICD-10-CM 2018 is heart failure. In place of using unspecified code I50.9 (Heart failure, unspecified), you now have more specific options like I50.814 (Right heart failure due to left heart failure) and I50.82 (Biventricular heart failure).
Remember: Pulling an unspecified code from a 2017 ICD-10 resource when a more specific code is available for a 2018 encounter is incorrect coding. Using the most specific code is crucial to supporting coverage for your services, too.
- Don’t Miss Added Characters for Ectopic Pregnancy
Obstetrics coders need to be aware of changes to ectopic pregnancy codes. In 2017, you had five-character codes for tubal and ovarian pregnancies. The 2018 code set adds the requirement for a sixth character to identify side, like in O00.211 (Right ovarian pregnancy with intrauterine pregnancy).
Characters count: If you report a five-character code from a 2017 cheat sheet for a 2018 encounter, your claim won’t go through. You need to report the complete 2018 code to ensure prompt reimbursement.
- Know New Codes for Substance Abuse in Remission
If your ICD-10 chart doesn’t have substance abuse codes ending in .11, it’s time for an update. ICD-10-CM added .11 codes for F10-F16 as well as F18 and F19 to allow reporting of cases in remission. For instance, note the descriptor of F11.11 (Opioid abuse, in remission).
Have you noticed? ICD-10-CM updates often come in packs. Not updating to a new ICD-10 chart could lead to incorrect coding for an entire group of related diagnoses.
- Calculate the Cost of Missing Chronic Ulcer Changes
Let’s add a little more proof for that statement that ICD-10-CM changes often come in groups. The current code set made an impressive number of changes in L97.- for non-pressure chronic ulcers. The codes help you report cases with muscle involvement without evidence of necrosis, bone involvement without evidence of necrosis, and other specified severity.
Bottom line: Using old ICD-10-CM resources can do more harm than good. Get up-to-date codes from a source like Rapid Coder’s ICD-10 charts to help you find accurate codes that will support your claim.
For more coding details visit AMA CPT Book
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