We live in an age where litigation is becoming increasingly common. People think nothing of hiring a personal injury attorney to fight their corner when something goes wrong and they end up hurt through no fault of their own. It’s a lucrative business for such lawyers and not surprisingly there are a high number of personal injury attorney firms advertising their services at any given time.
The tagline of personal injury attorneys such as Adame Garza Law is often something along the lines of “have you had an accident that isn’t your fault? If so, give us a call today”. Personal injury claims usually revolve around incidents where the claimant is hurt as a result of someone else’s negligence. The attorney is hired to put a legal case together to try and secure compensation, usually on a no win-no fee basis, so if you think you need the services of a personal injury attorney, you really have nothing to lose. So why might you need to hire a personal injury attorney?
Road Traffic Accidents
Road traffic accidents happen on a daily basis and they are not always our fault. If another driver hits your vehicle and you end up with whiplash or some other injury as a result of the accident, you potentially have a claim against them. Often the insurance company will pursue a claim on your behalf, but if this doesn’t happen you can hire a personal injury attorney to handle your case.
Uneven Sidewalks
Imagine how you would feel if you were out for a walk one day and while you were enjoying the beautiful scenery, you tripped up over an uneven paving stone, fracturing your leg in the process. Clearly someone is at fault here, and if you end up taking time off work as a result of the accident, it is only natural that you would want financial compensation from whoever was responsible for maintaining the pathway.
Shopping Misfortunes
Doing a spot of shopping in the local mall is supposed to be fun. You get to spend a few hours wandering around some stores, spending money and enjoying yourself. After all, stores are very safe, are they not? Actually no, sometimes nasty accidents occur and a shop fitting falls from the wall can causes an injury. If anything like this happens to you, you have a right to compensation, so hiring a personal injury attorney is a good plan.
Product Injuries
If a product turns out to be faulty you can request a refund or replacement, but if that product turns out to be dangerous in some way and you or a loved one ends up sustaining an injury as a result, you have a potential personal injury claim against the manufacturer on your hands. The more serious the injury, the more compensation you can claim.
Personal injury claims are not something you should pursue without justification, but in the right circumstances, you have a right to claim compensation, so don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
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