Different people have different interests and this is what mostly helps them in defining the kind of employment they will be taking up to sustain themselves. Some are creative while some prefer to stick to the more practical and mundane jobs; the work of a land developer however is a combination of both. While you have to take of care of historical facts of the land you intend to work on, you will also be required to be creative in how to prepare the land and how to make an entire architectural structure stand on that land for the next several years to come.
Farsightedness is a very important and crucial tool for any land developer because based on the past and present condition of the land, he/she will have to try and figure out what possible problems might arise in the future and accordingly prepare the land for the construct. It is hence that not many people are able to make their place in the world of construction as a developer just as Dean Kirkland has made.
The most basic step in becoming a land developer, is understanding a piece of land, your concept of any particular land should be clear and comprehensible to others and most importantly it should be practical. For instance, planning a residential or commercial building close to a corn field is fine, but if you consider building a shopping mall, it is definitely not something that would be considered practical or even profitable.
It is hence important that a developer should know how to identify a piece of land and associate it with the kind of purpose that can be fulfilled on it. There are several factors of consideration in the identification process of which one is the possible roadblocks that may erupt in the forthcoming days.
The sewage or drainage is one major thing that any able developer would consider at the time of scrutinizing the land. Whether or not the soil is too wet for construction? If so what arrangements can be made to make it suitable for the same? Whether the land is too steep or not? If so what changes can be made in its relief to make appropriate, so on and so forth.
Once the concept is finalized the next step would be to figure the means of acquiring the land, that is to say whether or financing would be required. If so, then getting hold of a financer and making arrangements for it, becomes the next step. Finding a financer for experienced developers like Dean Kirkland is an easy thing, but for new comers in the profession it is certainly not a cake walk.
Convincing financers and making them visualize your concept is another job altogether. It is thus that many developers begin their career on an inherited piece of land. Others manage to find out financers to fund their project after successfully convincing them that the project will be completed.
Having a dream of becoming a land developer and becoming one has a lot of distance in between that one has to travel, but whatever career you would want to take up requires perseverance, persistence and patience as its key objectives.
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