AIPMT exam is help for admission in BDS and MBBS courses offered by the private and government medical colleges of the country. After the completion of the exam the candidates are looking to know their exam score before the declaration of the actual result. Answer key is the best way to know your score without more delay. It gives answers to every question. With the answer key candidates can check their answers and then calculate the score and marks. After the successful completion of the exams students need not to wait for result. The answer key is the best way to calculate marks and scores without further delay. No matter how to prepare the exam and how to write it, but the end result will show your performance with score.
Detail and code of answer key:
Answer key is released at online according to the sets and code paper. For differentiating each paper set, a code is allocated for every question paper. These codes are alphabets and it helps to identify the specific paper set. The question paper code will be A, B, C, D or W, X, Y, Z or P, Q, R, S. the codes are allocated in no particular order and cannot be predicted for upcoming exam. The only way of the checking their score through answer key that candidates want to download it from online else the prediction of score will be incorrect. The AIPMT answer key 2016 gives a performance level in the exam. Apart from that, candidates want to download answer key for checking score. The code is used to easy find the paper as well as answer key.
Steps to download answer key:
The process of downloading answer key for AIPMT entrance exam is not a difficult one. it is very easy through online.
Click the official website for answer key
Keep in your mind set of your question paper and then click the appropriate answer key
Download the answer key with single click of button.
The scanned OMR sheet or the candidates will be displayed.
After download the answer key candidates want to check the paper set. Check the answer in one by one question and mark it as right. Finally, you can know the total score of the exam.
Evaluate your score:
Evaluation of score via answer key is the best way. Candidates may evaluate their exam score, before release of AIPMT results. Candidates can calculate the marks through it. As per the pattern of exam candidates can check their score. Hence the candidates deduct 1 mark for giving incurred answer and add 4 marks for correct answer. When all the answers are checked, candidates can be left with predicated score in AIPMT entrance exam answer key out of 720 marks. Apart from that, candidates can enter the score in a rank predictor and it calculates the possible AIR. Once the score is predicted in AIR, candidates have a perfect idea to which university or colleges will provide admission to them.
AIPMT answer key by CBSE:
CBSE will release the answer key of all questions giving a great opportunity to the candidates to check the score. The OMR answer sheet will be displayed on the screen. It displays official answer key for questions marked by the candidate those who will have appeared in the AIPMT exams. Candidate can check the answer by lobbing CBSE account using register number and password. This is the proper way to get score before the final result. Therefore, get access the official website for downloading answer key without any difficulties.
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