An informed consumer is a smart consumer, and when it comes to making a claim for a personal injury, the better you understand the claims process and your legal rights, then the better-placed you will be to make an informed decision with regards to making a claim.
At Accident Advice Helpline, we help people get informed. If you have been injured in an accident, speak to us to find out what your legal rights are and where you stand. We provide a free and no obligation claims helpline where you can get access to legal advice, and get all your claims-related questions answered. Call us on 0800 180 4123 today to get started. Or, if you want to get an estimated pay-out, visit and fill out our claims calculator to find out how much you could claim.
How we will help you
We will help you to get smart and better informed on the claims process. And crucially, we can offer advice based on your individual circumstances. The information you find through other sources, such as the internet, is general advice. It’s valuable, however it isn’t guaranteed to be relevant to your case. By speaking with us, you can get answers to all your questions and figure out once and for all how strong your claim really is.
Our accident claims helpline
Our claims helpline is free to use and carries no obligation whatsoever. We are a law firm with our own lawyers, however we do not push the claims process in any way. Our claims helpline is designed to be educational and valuable to people – it’s as simple as that. By calling our helpline, you could get answers to the following questions:
- Am I eligible for compensation?
- How strong is my claim?
- What are my legal rights?
- Who will my claim be against?
- What is ‘no win, no fee’ and what are the pros and cons?
- How long does the claims process generally take?
- And much more.
Our experienced and compassionate claims advisors will take the time to understand your accident and provide advice based on the information you give. You are free to use the information we provide to you as you wish. However, being a law firm, you are also free to start the claims process with us. We have a team of lawyers who specialise in all aspects of personal injury law, ensuring that you always get the best legal representation with us.
We are also the UK’s largest personal injury specialist law firm, and all our cases are processed on a ‘no win, no fee’ basis, so that everybody can get access to justice. To find out more and for free and no obligation legal advice, call us on 0800 180 4123.
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