Almost every woman spends a huge amount of money on bags. And out of all the materials, leather remains the priciest. If you are someone who has more leather bags than days in a month, then you certainly need a ‘take care’ regime to follow for your bags. Leather bags are costly and you cannot just let them catch mold sitting inside your closet. And that is why, it’s important to do every bit you can to make sure they remain in good shape.
Although, there are many ways in, which you can take care of your leather handbags, you don’t always need to take the costly route. You can take care of them using small little things lying here and there at home. These ways are largely inexpensive. But if you talk about effectiveness, then there is certainly nothing more effective than them. Using these simple methods you will be able to keep your bags looking brand new all year round. And what can be more rewarding than being able to increase the life of an item you absolutely love.
Yes, the market is flooded with products that help keep leather items in good shape, but being able to avoid them could save you a lot of money.
You can increase the longevity of your leather bags by not only cleaning them properly but also storing them in the right place. A common problem that we all face when we keep leather bags carelessly is that they develop ‘wrinkles.’ The development of these fine lines can be avoided if you stuff your bag with crumbled newspapers or tissue papers immediately after emptying it. If you don’t like this idea because you are going to leave the bag for a season, then you can stuff it with clothes instead preferably warm. If you like to keep your bags covered, then try to use breathable covers instead of plastics, so that there is no proliferation of microorganisms.
For some extra shine, you can try rubbing the inside of a banana peel. Start by gently rubbing it all over the bag. Once you are done with it, use a soft and dry cloth to get the dampness off.
If there is a mark on your favorite leather handbag, you won’t have to get disappointed thinking you will have to dump it forever. All you have to do to resolve the issue is color the spot with a marker matching the color of the bag and then rub some olive oil over it. Your bag begins to look like earlier.
So, the bottom line is that if you want to keep your leather bags in good shape, you must maintain them properly. But in case, you want to skip the maintenance part, you will have to get your bag from a reputed brand like JustFab. Buying a good JustFab product will allay almost all your concerns regarding leather maintenance. So, the next time you buy a leather bag, there is absolutely no need to think beyond JustFab.
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