Domestic violence is one ofthe predominant criminal behaviors in many societies which brings with it devastating consequences over the primary victim, which is a woman, and in the secondary victim – children. In most countries, the domestic violence receives proportions of a problem of primer social character. Impaired law desk Ottawa wants you to learn more about domestic violence.
Domestic violence is a problem that affects the economic and overall development of a society, and is the result of historically based unequal position of men and women, in which it is located in a subordinate position compared to men.
Family nowadays unfortunately is not the basic cell of society like they used to be. Almost all countries in the world are still faced with the inability to determine the number of victims of crime, especially when it happens in women. According to the surveys of the UN women are often victims of sexual violence (50%), of personality attacks (10%) and various attacks on property (10%). Fin order to determine if there was a violent crime in the family the case will need a big number of witnesses.
Families often make efforts to overcome this situation be by asking help from their closest relatives and friends, and almost no one asks for a help from the institutions. Victims of such violence are the weakest members of the family. While in the fifties and sixties the victims were children, women were victims in the seventies and in the eighties, it was the elderly who were victims of domestic violence. Violent offenses within the family are very difficult to reveal and are very rare. Conflicts rarely come to light because of the fear of revenge, the shame from the environment and the desire to maintain a good image of their own marriage and sometimes because of an economic dependence.
No country is an exception when it comes tothis situation, on the contrary the number of abused persons within a family is increasing ever day. The number of women and children who are abused is growing up, the only problem is that most of these victims out of fear or another (physical or financial care) rarely take thenext step – reporting bullies who regularly force them to suffer the terror. Many non – profit organizations started working in order to find solutions that will help control this problem. As a result of their research and efforts to enter deeper into the essence of this problem they came to a result which constitutes a solid foundation for further developing of a strategy of many organizations that have an intention to continue working in the field of elimination of violence against children and women.
The problem of domestic violence at first draw attention in the general public with casesthat were about brutal murders within family members, thatwerediscovered by the police sources and media.
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