The web never ends amazing us in the speed it can whip out new niches and it never ceases to amaze me how much money can flow simply by creating virtual products either.
In today’s articles, we are going to show you the niches you can get inside right now (except web development, and design with SEO, they require some initial knowledge to get in.)
1 – Web Developer
Web Development is the act of writing web applications, or setting up websites for your clients. In order to be acknowledged as an at least average Web Developer online though, you must know:
- PHP 5, Object Oriented Programming, and its huge subset of functions
- MySQL (especially the ability to build complex queries), using its subset of command line tools to recover / dump / export information
- CSS3, HTML5, and JavaScript to perfection
- Writing Themes and Plugins for most popular Content management systems and e-commerce software
- A rapid application development framework like CodeIgniter or CakePHP
Having said all these, you must be ambitioned and like development enough for writing a couple websites for free for getting good feedbacks.
2 – Web Designer
Web Designers are the guys that make nice clothes for yoru website. A good designer is able to write a mock-up with the UI Widgets, their styles, buttons, colors and style for each html tag in the book (from h1 to abbr, whatever you need).
A good web designer will be able from 300 to 900 dollars per week and if he tries hard enough, he might even get rich.
The talented ones control and dominate the field, so you will have a lot of competition, but if you are really talented yourself, you will find yourself getting so much money that your friends will start asking you if you are doing anything illegal.
3 – Article Writer
Article writers are people that write either content for SEO or purely informative ones for online article readers. The job is very common online (it is estimated that there are 32.000 article writers already working at this hour on ).
4 – Social Media Marketer / Manager
Social media marketers are people that are responsible with convincing people in social networks to choose your product or buy it instead of the other one. They have vast social circles online, always provide funny material for people, and are persuasive.
5 – SEO & SSM Expert
Seo Experts are online marketers that know exactly what to do get a good ranking for your website from employing article writers to improving keyword usage on the existing ones, from making your website much easily indexable by Google, or repairing errors that might give you bad points from search engines. A good SEO specialist will be able to increase your page rank to PR1 or make you the first or second person in searches in a single week.
6 – Affiliate Networking
Affiliate networkers are people that get people to join pages / do surveys / sign up to other websites. You can get a good amount of it if you have many online friends.
So there are your niches. Thanks for the read and keep it up!
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