Life as a student is a cornucopia of new experiences. Free of your old life and reputation, you can reinvent yourself and pursue new passions, free of any reputation or nicknames that might have held you back at school. It’s a chance to discover yourself unlike no other as you learn more, not just in lecture theatres but in conversation with a mix of people you wouldn’t meet anywhere else.
You might not be an athlete or an actor when you start at university, but it gives you the scope to reinvent yourself as a top striker on the football team or as Hamlet, bestriding the stage.
These are all wonderful possibilities, but they mean you need to become an expert at managing your time. If you’re not able to try all of the things that appeal to you, you’re not getting the most out of university, but if you lose all your time to extracurricular activities you’ll find yourself in trouble with your tutors or possibly leaving the university with no degree to show for your trouble!
Today we’re presenting a short guide to getting the balancing act right so you can stay on top of your student life, whether in you’re in the famous halls of residence of Cambridge or the student accommodation Sheffield has to offer.
Getting Your Priorities Straight
The first thing you need to do is decide what’s really important to you – are you aiming at graduating with a first, or are you happy to come out of university with a lower grade, giving you more time to focus on the wider university experience?
Once you’ve decided on your priorities, on what you want to get out of the university experience, you can start to work out how you’re going to allot your time. You’ll gradually learn how long it takes you to write an essay – and not only that, how long it takes you write an essay to a high standard that you’d be proud to hand in, and how long it takes to write one that just barely answers the question, that won’t raise any questions but certainly isn’t your best work.
Depending on your priorities you then schedule your time, giving more or less of it to your academic work as your wants and needs demand. You can consciously decide whether you’re going to put your all into an essay or if it’s one circumstances dictate you dash off before dashing off to a football game.
Of course, if you find yourself giving too many essays this treatment, you’ll see your marks fall off and you’ll know it’s time to find a new balance!
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