Traveling is a time-honored pastime in America. The sheer size of our nation presents countless opportunities to visit all kinds of destinations. There is truly something for everyone to enjoy.
For motorcycle riders, the appeal of traveling the U.S. is even higher. Whether it’s winding mountain parkways or endless stretches of asphalt across the Great Plains, there are countless scenic highways and byways to enjoy, and an endless variety of weather to experience atop your two-wheeled transport.
Unfortunately, there is always the possibility of an accident as well. Motorcycles are famously vulnerable to accidents. Their small size makes it difficult for other drivers to see, especially in reduced visibility. There is also relatively little protection from impacts when the accidents take place.
You can see a perfect storm boiling up in these conditions. Take a rider who is far from home, place him or her on a vulnerable vehicle, and add in inattentive drivers who may not notice the motorcycle and you’ve got a recipe for serious injuries and a victim with no idea how to get legal help.
If you’re ever in that situation, you may be first inclined to contact a trusted attorney back home. However, that will not be your best option, even if that counselor is an experienced personal injury lawyer who won’t be as effective working a case in a different state. In addition, the logistics and travel involved in using an out-of-town attorney will increase the complexity and cost of your case.
The best option to use in this situation is to find a local motorcycle accident lawyer. You will find several reasons why this is the route you will want to go.
To begin with, it’s not as difficult as you would think to find an attorney in another city, even after you return home. Like any other good or service, you can go online to find representation. This will give you the opportunity to conduct your search without wasting hours on the phone or struggling to compensate for time-zone difference.
Local conditions are another key reason to get a local lawyer. San Diego attorney Mike Pines has years of experience with the unique conditions in that city. He knows the streets and roads in the area. He knows factors like road construction and weather conditions that can contribute to an accident. No matter your city, find someone local like Pines who knows the area.
We’ve already touched on the logistical advantages of getting a local lawyer. Personal injury cases aren’t simply a matter of developing a big file and then having the client’s day in court. They involve visits to the accident scene, interviews with police officers, and frequent visits to the courtroom or the judge’s chambers to negotiate a satisfactory settlement. Every one of those trips for an out-of-town attorney isĀ a greater cost to you. Your own travel to the city of the accident will actually be limited, as your attorney will be able to do almost everything without you, especially if an actual trial isn’t required.
Traveling is supposed to be an enjoyable experience. It is a carefree time to enjoy with friends or family, and the last thing most of us think about is what we’ll do if that enjoyable trip turns into a disaster after an accident. No one should ruin the fun of a trip by worrying constantly about what might happen, but everyone should at least think about considerations like how to handle an accident. You may not be able to prevent an accident and injury, but you can position yourself for the best possible recovery, and that’s the most important thing.
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